Want to use natural medicine & diet to solve your endometriosis problems but frustrated and confused about how to do it?
The Natural Endo Movement’s Outsmart Endometriosis program is a powerful strategy that teaches you EXACTLY how to reduce/eliminate your endometriosis pain, solve your digestive issues, boost your mood, and improve your energy.
Dear frustrated Endo Sister,
Over the last 7 years, I’ve helped tons of women to understand their bodies and apply specific actions that leave them FEELING BETTER and REDUCING their endometriosis symptoms … AND for at least the past 20 years I’ve dealt with my own endometriosis.
I’ve been EXACTLY where you are….
I’ve struggled with extreme debilitating pain that caused me to miss work, school, and special events… that caused me to over-rely on birth control and painkillers…that caused me to vomit, faint and take multiple trips to the emergency room.
Eventually I decided that there MUST be a better way.
I have spent the better part of my life and my career perfecting the system that helps women with endometriosis live peacefully with their condition, reduce their reliance on conventional medicine and be symptom free.
I’ve learned that there is a BIG Mistake Most WOMEN Unknowingly Make with Their Health. And that this mistake is what causes them to miss the mark when it comes to healing their body and solving their endometriosis issues.
There’s one MAJOR THING they ALL had in common when it comes to the success OR FAILURE of their Health Strategy…
This one thing was the difference between them:
A. Healing their digestive system and eliminating the chronic bloating.
B. Being stuck with “endo belly” that leaves them looking 7 months pregnant.
This one thing was the difference between them:
A. Getting control of their bodies and eliminating their endometriosis pain
B. Being stuck in the same conventional medicine loop - surgery, hormone modulators, painkillers… REPEAT.
This one thing was a difference between them:
A. Living their lives upset, stressed, hopeless and chained to their diagnosis.
B. Learning how to live with their endometriosis AND learning how to reduce the impact of endo on their life, leaving them hopeful, happy, energetic and connected with their loved ones.
That ONE thing was…
Ok now maybe you’re thinking, “but wait, I can probably find all of this information on the internet”.
The internet is a dangerous place for health information and especially women with endometriosis. These days it’s like everyone has a solution… a herb, a diet, an easy fix… they DON’T work. They don’t work because they’re not specific enough. You need the RIGHT information…
“Right” means accurate, scientific, and specific.
Here’s how to know if you can benefit from having a endometriosis plan:
1. You’ve tried natural medicines or dietary changes before and “they didn’t work”.
2. You’ve spent countless hours researching on the internet but you’re still overwhelmed and confused.
3. You’ve had multiple surgeries and the endo just keeps coming back.
The plan that you follow will make or break your success.
You see, the reason this is such a difficult thing to do is that ENDOMETRIOSIS is a COMPLICATED condition. Of course it is!! It causes infertility, increases the risk of ovarian cancer and causes debilitating symptoms. There is no cure. Even if you do surgery, there is a HIGH risk of recurrence. In fact, most women will go on to have multiple surgeries.
Don’t let this be you.
You don’t need to choose one approach versus the other. Whether you have surgery or you don’t, you NEED to get your lifestyle and your diet in check. If you don’t, then your body will ALWAYS STRUGGLE.
It’s easy to think we can solve this ourselves because there is so much free information on the internet.
The truth is, you can’t rely on free information on the internet to manage your health. There’s too much at stake with endometriosis.
So many people mess it up… because they simply don’t know what they don’t know.
They don’t know how to choose the right diet for them…
They don’t know what supplements they should be taking…
They don’t know how to care for their bodies & minds (hint: you have to do it in a particular way when you have endo)…
If you’re reading this and realizing you’ve approached it all wrong… don’t beat yourself up.
All hope is not lost.
I got you!
I have a different, better way.
A way that I learned MYSELF as I went through healing my own body from endometriosis symptoms about 10 years ago.
A way that I have PERFECTED over the past 7 years…
I’m Dr. Natalie Bozinovski ND., MSc., nutritional scientist, licensed naturopathic physician, founder of The Natural Endo Movement and most importantly, woman with endometriosis.
I’ve spent more than 12 years and over $200 000 studying nutritional science and naturopathic medicine and for the past 7 years, I’ve applied that knowledge to women’s health, clinically.
During that time, I developed the best system to produce RESULTS… so that women can stop relying on conventional medicine (that hurts them and causes more problems in the long-run) and can learn how to manage their health THEMSELVES…using nutrition, lifestyle practices, and natural medicine.
My methodology is known for giving women a SOLUTION to the health problems that challenge them daily.
So now that I’ve got your attention, let me ask you this:
Do you know exactly what you need to do to reduce your symptoms?
Do you have natural tools & strategies so that you know what to do when you’re in an endo flare?
Do you understand what your personal endo triggers are?
Do you know what to put on your plate so that you feed your body the exact right nutrition that you need?
If you answered NO to any of the above questions, then you need to keep reading, so today can be the last day that happens to you.
The Health Course that teaches you exactly how to get:
Endometriosis relief
This is the course that allows you to heal your body and feel BETTER, despite having endometriosis…even if you’ve had multiple surgeries or if you’ve suffered for years with no support.
Outsmart Endometriosis is perfect for the woman who’s sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Tap into this big brain of mine and learn how to treat your body in the right way, so that you can get off the endo rollercoaster.
When you get access to what’s in my head, it’s like having me on your health team!
You get all the information you need to understand how your body works, what’s happening as a result of the endometriosis, and the exact right steps that you need to take in order to reduce the inflammation, hormone imbalances, underlying digestive issues & nutrient deficiencies in order to optimize your health.
Once you understand your body, you’ll get better FASTER, move through your life with CONFIDENCE, and feel EMPOWERED for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
With Outsmart Endometriosis…
…you’ll be able to feel better at a lower cost
…without wasting money on supplements that aren’t right for you
…while potentially delaying or eliminating the need for surgery
…without wasting tons of precious time that you can be spending with your loved ones
…without hiring so-called “experts” that know less about endo than you do
When you purchase Outsmart Endometriosis, you’ll know exactly how to heal your body, step-by-step so that you can feel great and live your best life. You’ll have the exact tools and strategies that you need, for life! And you’ll never have to learn them again.
Here’s what’s included in Outsmart Endometriosis:
- 10 power packed workshops that will teach you everything you need to know about endometriosis, nutrition & holistic health (aka the most comprehensive endo course out there).
- 3 bonuses to support you on your journey.
- Access to a discussion forum where you can post questions and have them answered by myself or a member of my team.
- Invitation to join our private Facebook community.
WORKSHOP 1: Intro to Endometriosis, Intro to healthy periods, Intro To the Course
You’ll learn EXACTLY what endometriosis is, how it works, and why it’s a problem. It also walks you through what you need to know about so that you can get ahead of any future health risks.
You’ll learn what a healthy period should look like, so that you know what signs to look out for as you complete this course.
Plus you’ll get set up with some tools so that you can start this course on the right foot and with some objective data (I’m a scientist and I love data)!
WORKSHOP 2: Digestive Health & Food Basics Part I
Ever wanted to know how your digestive system works? That’s exactly what this module is all about. It teaches you how your digestive organs work (and why they don’t work). You’ll be able to figure out why your digestion isn’t optimal (hint: it’s NOT optimal if you experience irregular bowel movements, constipation, loose stool, bloating, gas, nausea that recur) and what to do to correct it.
WORKSHOP 3: Digestive Health & Food Basics Part II
Now I get to teach you about food. Learn what nutrient deficiencies are common in endo, inflammatory vs. non-inflammatory foods, AND be guided into the right diet path for your particular body (hint: there are a few different options here).
WORKSHOP 4: The Mind-Body Connection
Stress is the most underrated contributor to endometriosis symptoms IMO. I’ve seen endo triggered by stress far too many times to dismiss this connection. This module teaches you how to manage stress and its impacts on your body, so that you can be on your way to staying calm, cool and collected. Plus you’ll learn some cool stuff about how the mind impacts the body, and a little bit about chakras, and the energy systems.
WORKSHOP 5: Balance Hormones
Our hormones work in cycles. In general, we need to recognize, honour & restore those cycles to experience our natural female rhythms. But that’s not all. Women with endometriosis MUST be conscious of estrogen dominance + progesterone deficiency/resistance. We are prone to particular hormone imbalances that wreak havoc on our system. I’ll show you how to balance hormones SAFELY (hint: some of the supplement recommendations that are flying around the internet, are NOT safe).
WORKSHOP 6: Inflammation & Immune Health
Above ALL else endometriosis is an inflammatory condition characterized by a dysregulated immune response. In order to affect this condition, you need to address the immune system.
WORKSHOP 7: Supplement Strategy
If I see one more unqualified person recommending supplements to women with endo, I think my head might explode! You want to use supplements safely AND effectively. That requires recommendations from someone with the appropriate knowledge and experience (not your friend, Karen who tried X supplement and felt better – sorry Karen!!).
WORKSHOP 8: Detoxification
You may have heard that endometriosis has proven relationships with several environmental pollutants like dioxins and phthalates. This module teaches you how to protect yourself against chemicals like this and how to ensure your body is eliminating them to the best of its ability.
WORKSHOP 9: Accept & Care for Your Physical Body
The endometriosis body has a sensitivity to pain, tension in certain places, and potentially disruptive adhesions & scars. The endometriosis body does not always react to exercise and movement in the ways that other bodies do. This workshop teaches you about why and how these mechanisms might be playing a role in your health and how to care for your body.
WORKSHOP 10: Sleep & Other Life hacks
Sleep is the time that most of our healing takes place and is key for good overall health (energy, hormonal balance, stress management, etc.)… this module will teach you how cultivate better sleep and some extra life hacks to optimize your overall wellness even further!
Guide to essential oils for endometriosis, pain & hormonal balance
Guided mediation for pain
Guide to homeopathy for endometriosis
Regular Price = $799
I know for sure, that your mind will explode with the uber useful, highly effective, easy to consume trainings that will completely transform your health AND leave you overjoyed with the value bombs that are about to be dropped on you.
Why buy now rather than next week?
If the latest crisis wasn’t a wake up call for you, I don’t know what would be.
As you’ve just witnessed, life can change in a moment.
The time to take action is NOW!
before it’s too late.
Now is NOT the time for hesitation.
Now is the time for action.
Do what you need to do RIGHT NOW so you can have the health and life you want for the future.
You can’t do that when you waffle.
You can’t do that when you’re indecisive.
You can’t do that if you don’t take control.
What good does it do to waste time?
You’ll only be in the exact same position 12 months from now…and then you might be saying that for the rest of your life.
Of course you should keep your doctors and everyone else on your health care team. You need them too! But you don’t want to be at their mercy. You need to be your OWN health advocate. You need to be the one leading the charge when it comes to your health & wellness.
You call the shots!!
Don’t leave that to chance. And most certainly, don’t wait another day.
The longer you wait to fix this problem, the more it will cost as endometriosis continues to grow un-checked in your body, creating hormonal imbalances and inflammation that puts you at risk for even more health issues.
That’s not cool my friend, and that’s not what I want for you.
And I can help you do that with…
Q. I’m not sure I’m ready to enrol, will you be offering this course later?
A. I would highly encourage you to ask yourself why you’re not ready. What’s getting in the way of you improving your health? (I think there are very few “reasons” that make sense here…they may be more like excuses to keep yourself stuck. Shoo those out the door! They will not serve you.
The truth is, I’m not sure how long this course will be available in this form. I created this as a special offer due to the feedback I was receiving during COVID 19 (women wanted a lower-cost option to my program due to financial uncertainty, triggered by the pandemic).
Q. I’m not yet diagnosed with endometriosis but my doctor thinks I have it, will I benefit from this course?
A. Absolutely yes! If you have the symptoms associated with endometriosis, you will absolutely benefit from this course.
Q. If I also have adenomyosis, PCOS or fibroids, will this course help me?
A. Yes. These conditions have overlapping similarities re hormone issues and inflammation. You will benefit from this course.
Q. How much time will it take to complete the course?
A. It will take about 10 weeks to complete the course. The content is paced (1 new module will unlock each week) so that you always have enough time listen to the lesson and to implement the recommended strategies into your own life. Each module has a video that is about 1 hr long and each module comes with its own set of worksheets or tools.
Q. What kind of support will I get?
A. There is limited support offered with this course. Questions posted on the course discussion board will be answered but they should be focused on clarifying the material. There is no personalized support, coaching or tracking accountability. If you would like more support, I offer a premium version of this program. You can read about it and apply here. Though all of the material is clearly laid out and instructions are easy to follow.
Q. How long will I have access?
A. As long as the course exists, you will have access to it.
Q. Can I share this with a friend?
A. No, only one person per purchase can use this course. You will be invited to join the course portal by email, once we receive your payment.
Q. Is there a guarantee?
A. Yes. See above re the Natural Endo Movement promise.
Q. You didn’t answer my question. Is there someone I can email?
A. Yes. Direct your questions to drnatalie@naturalendomovement.com.